3 Things You Need To Do Immediately After a Car Accident

3 Things You Need To Do Immediately After a Car Accident

Even though 2019 saw a two percent decline in car accident fatalities compared to 2018, thousands of Americans sustain injuries – both minor and significant – in car accidents every day. Of course, it is easy to be emotional and overwhelmed in the immediate wake of a car accident, which is why

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Family Law

Affordable Family Law Attorney

Personal injury clients aren’t the only people we fight for! When we started our firm, we quickly realized there were others who needed our help. We have gained extensive experience in helping clients navigate family law matters for an affordable price. We provide you Family Law Services at an affordable

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Auto Accident Injuries in Southern California

Auto Accident Injuries in Southern California

Auto accidents occur every hour of every day. They are one of the most common sources of personal injuries. Drivers who are responsible for the accident are liable for any damages, whether that’s personal bodily injury or property damage. Insurance payouts that are fair and adequate can cover the costs

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Insurance adjusters inspecting a damaged vehicle after an accident

Auto Insurance Adjusters

If you have been involved in an accident, you probably have to deal with an auto insurance adjuster. Typically, you have to at least give a statement to your own insurance company after the accident, but you should never give a statement to the other party’s insurance adjuster. At MKH

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Online comparison of auto insurance quotes for informed decision-making

Auto insurance

Auto insurance is used to help owners of motor vehicles protect themselves, whether they cause an accident or are the victim of an accident. After an accident and when it is safe to do so, the owners or drivers of each vehicle must share their auto insurance information. Next, the

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Parents cooperating for the well-being of their child under the Southern California Best Interest standard

Best Interest of the Child Standard in Southern California

Courts make decisions all the time that affect children. These decisions are often related to things like child custody, child support, any future modifications to custody and support, and termination of parental rights. These decisions are made in light of the best interests of the child. At MKH Accident Attorneys,

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Collision between a bicycle and a vehicle on a city street

Bicycle Accidents

Bicycling is a fun recreational activity for many people, and for others, it’s a convenient way to travel from one place to another in an urban area. As its popularity grows, so too do accommodations. Bicycling paths are a common part of community, city, and state-wide planning. Now, bicyclists can

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